Hungary Connects

March 12-13, 2024

Edward P. JOSEPH

Lecturer & Senior Fellow, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

In a rarity, Edward P. Joseph has served in every permutation of the conflicts in former Yugoslaviaacross war-torn Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and (now) North Macedonia. He served in senior leadership positions in all three divided towns: Brcko; Mostar; Mitrovica. In July 1995, contemporaneous with the collapse of the Srebrenicasafe area‘, Edward and one UN colleague coordinated the evacuation of the neighboring Zepa enclave. (Edward testified in two Hague Tribunal cases about his interactions with Ratko Mladic and other senior Serb commanders.) In 2012, Edward negotiated the first significant understanding between Kosovo and Serbia: the terms for holding Serbian national elections in independent Kosovo.

Edward has lectured and published widely on the Balkans. His Foreign Affairs article, ‘The Balkans, Interruptedwas an editors choice for ‘Best of the Year.’ His SAIS Review paper, ‘The Kyiv-Kosovo Catalystoffered a path to breaking the deadlock between Kosovo and Serbia. Formerly a US Army helicopter pilot, Edward deployed with NATO/IFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina, earning the Joint Service Commendation  Medal. In 2022, Edward received the ‘Mostar Peace ConnectionAward for his war-time and post-war service. Edward earned his B.A. and M.A. from Johns Hopkins University, and his J.D. from the University of Virginia School of Law.